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Peacebuilding through Heritage, HLP or Modes of Memorialisation

Delivering projects:

In step with the peacebuilding process whilst acknowledging the intricacies of conflict 

Recognising heritage and its value to cultural systems, nation-building and social reconstruction.

Advocating the social-economic potential of developing culturally significant sites after catastrophes

Addressing HLP challenges during recovery and stabilization stages after conflict or other forms of violence. 

Developing trauma-informed approaches dealing with the memories of disaster, political violence and the entangled emotions of post-conflict reconciliation. 


UNIFORM NOVEMBER was launched by Frazer MacDonald Hay in 2016. Since then, the consultancy has worked with the British Council, The Halo Trust, UK and international Universities, UN agencies such as the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), UNESCO, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), UNMAS and UN-HABITAT. We have also worked with Local NGOs such as The Island Foundation (Indonesia), and Alghad (Iraq)


We are always working to improve, share knowledge and exchange ideas, we have a useful educational programme and bespoke training opportunities. We offer workshops, seminars and online guidance on :

•The Fundamentals of Peacebuilding

•The Intricacies of Conflict

•Co-Creative Solutions 

•Defining Community

•The Re-use of Buildings

•The Power of Place Peacebuilding

•The Potential of Crossdisciplinarity problem solving

•Understanding the Importance of the Everyday 

•HLP Challenges within the displacement 

•Stakeholder management


•Peacebuilding and Protection of Cultural Heritage


•Working with Memory

•Modes of Memorialization

The UNIFORM NOVEMBER blog is a knowledge transfer feed aimed at developing collaboration, dialogue and awareness...



““whatever is true for space and time, this much is true for place: we are immersed in it and could not do without it. To be at all - to exist in any way – is to be somewhere, and to be somewhere is to be in some kind of place”.


"No one therefor  can conceive anything, but they must conceive it in some place”.

F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE

F.M.H is a Post-conflict, consultant - Specializing in Social Cohesion, DDR, Memorialization, Architectural Conservation, Housing Land and Property (HLP) issues.

FMH's Recommended 
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Office: UK, Scotland
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Centres and Sites 

+ The Halo Trust 

+ Funambulist  

+ Forensic Architecture London 

Global Justice Academy, Edinburgh  

PIRO Oslo 

+ DPIR Uni of Oxford 

+ Conflict, Crime and Security Research (PaCCS)

+ CSTPV Uni  of St Andrews


+ Centre for Development and Emergency Practice Oxford Brooks

+ Space Group Heriot-Watt University

+ Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit - York

+ Post Conflict Research Center 

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